“The Devil’s Backbone” is a gripping tale set during the Spanish Civil War in 1939, three years after the city began to calm down. The story portrays an orphanage that was attacked by a massive bomb, but the bomb itself did not go off, yet it remains stuck in the orphanage itself.
The protagonist is Carlos, a young boy who is sent to live in the orphanage. Carlos initially finds the place to be strange and unfamiliar, but one day he encounters a ghost that was called “One who sighs”. This ghost is the spirit of Santi, a young boy who was killed within the orphanage by someone seeking revenge for a past wrong.
Set against the backdrop of war-torn Spain, this film is a haunting exploration of the traumas of war and the aftermath that follows. It highlights the terrible consequences that conflict can bring, especially for the innocent and helpless. The Devil’s Backbone is a deeply moving story that will leave you breathless with awe and fear.