“Stuber” is a hilarious action-comedy that follows the story of Stu, a kind-hearted and dedicated Uber driver, who gets caught up in a life-risking mission when he picks up an aggressive cop, Vic, chasing after a dangerous killer. Stu is reluctantly dragged into this perilous adventure and has no choice but to rely on his intelligence and quick wit to survive.
In this crazy ride, Stu discovers that driving an Uber is nothing compared to navigating the world of cops and criminals. Hilarity ensues as the odd couple navigate through fast car chases, intense shootouts, and survive dangerous stunts.
With Vic’s tough exterior and Stu’s nerdy disposition, they embark on a thrilling journey filled with witty banter and unexpected twists. Along the way, Stu realizes he has got more than he bargained for when he agreed to pick up Vic. The duo forms an unlikely bond that is tested to its limits through action-packed scenes and nail-biting suspense.
Packed with hilarious one-liners and adrenaline-pumping action, “Stuber” is a fresh, fun, and energetic film that ensures audiences will be on the edge of their seats all the way through. Kumail Nanjiani and Dave Bautista’s chemistry, combined with great supporting performances, makes “Stuber” a summer hit that is not to be missed.
So, buckle up, and get ready for a ride full of fun and excitement that you won’t soon forget!