Peter Parker, also known as Spider-Man, takes a school trip to Europe where he hopes to take a break from being a superhero and confess his feelings to his crush, MJ. However, his vacation plans are interrupted when Nick Fury appears and enlists his help to stop a group of elemental creatures from destroying the world.
With the help of a new ally, Quentin Beck aka Mysterio, Spider-Man battles the creatures and discovers that they are actually illusions created by Beck himself in an effort to gain the trust of the public and become the world’s new superhero. Beck’s true intentions are revealed and Spider-Man must once again save the day and protect his friends and loved ones.
In the end, Peter decides to forgo his chance with MJ and continue being Spider-Man, knowing that the world needs him more than ever. However, his secretive identity is now compromised as his former classmate, J. Jonah Jameson, reveals to the world that Peter Parker is indeed Spider-Man. This sets the stage for an uncertain future for Peter and the rest of the Spider-Man universe.