Asano Natsumi, or Yui Hatano as she is known in the AV industry, was a renowned adult film actress until she discovered that she had contracted HIV from her boyfriend. Devastated by the news and forced to leave the industry, Natsumi made the decision to travel to Taiwan in search of a young man who had been sending her postcards for years.
Upon arriving in Taiwan, Natsumi discovered that the mysterious postcard sender was, in fact, a renowned chef named Kao Chen-ming. Unfortunately, Kao had mistaken Natsumi for someone else – his long-lost wife who had run away years ago, breaking his heart in the process. Despite this, Natsumi felt a strong connection to Kao and began to work with him in his restaurant, hoping to find solace and purpose in her new life.
However, Natsumi’s arrival in Taiwan also had unintended consequences for Kao’s girlfriend, Xiaomin. She became increasingly jealous and insecure as she watched Kao and Natsumi grow closer, despite their misunderstandings. Xiaomin struggled to come to terms with her feelings while Natsumi and Kao began to realize their true feelings for each other.
As their relationship deepened, Natsumi faced an uncertain future as a foreigner living in Taiwan, while Kao struggled with his guilt over his inability to forgive his wife for leaving him. In the end, Natsumi must choose between her own happiness and the potential ramifications of her relationship with Kao, deciding whether to stay in Taiwan or return home to Japan.
With strong performances from its all-star cast and a powerful, emotional storyline, Asano Natsumi’s journey to Taiwan is a captivating and poignant tale of love, loss, and redemption. Anyone who enjoys heartwarming dramas with a dash of romance will surely find themselves drawn in by this touching story.