“A Journal for Jordan” is a poignant and heartwarming tale of a father’s love for his son, written by Charles Monro King as a way to leave a parting gift for his young child. The story is based on true events that were chronicled in a series of articles by Dana Canedy in The New York Times.
The book follows Charles Monro King, an Army First Lieutenant who is deployed to Iraq during the height of the war. He leaves behind his pregnant wife, Dana, and their unborn son, Jordan. As Charles serves his country, he documents his experiences in a journal, providing a firsthand account of the horrors and challenges he faces every day.
Unfortunately, Charles is killed in combat before he has a chance to meet his son. Devastated by the loss of her husband, Dana discovers the journal and decides to compile its entries into a book, hoping to keep the memory of Charles alive for Jordan.
“A Journal for Jordan” is not only a moving tribute to a fallen soldier but a celebration of the power of love and family. Dana’s stories of raising Jordan on her own, with the help of Charles’ family, are inspiring and heartwarming. Her struggle to come to terms with her husband’s death and to build a life for her son despite the tragedy is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit.
This memoir stands as a poignant reminder of the sacrifices made by our men and women in uniform and the families who support them. It is a must-read for anyone seeking to understand the true cost of war and the power of love to transcend even the most tragic of circumstances.